Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mission trip...

I finished my application for a mission trip to go to Guatemala in June. I'm not sure what will happen. I'm a little excited and thinking what it would be like. If it happens, then I believe that God wants me to start doing this. I had an epiphany today while I was eating dinner getting ready to go to my softball game. It came across me this evening that God wanted me to have the family life and be a responsible person. Which I did. It just came to me that all those time that I regretted not having a life after college. I complained and grumbled inside about how I got stuck being a parent and becoming a responsible citizen. Today I realized that God needed for me to do those things so that I would mature. If my life had turned out like some other people, where they partied hard while in college, had a career, but then having to wait to have a family, then I wouldn't be the person that I am now. I needed this responsibility of being a good husband and a father to my children so that I would mature. I look at these people at the ball game, where they look about my age and have elementary school children or even younger and I think to myself, that I skipped all the fun and party and became a responsible adult so that I can become a better person when I get older.
It also dawned on me about all these guys even the ones I went to high school with, how athletic they were when they were younger and excelled in sports, and now, they can't even run a quarter of mile without passing out. I was never an excellent athlete when I was younger. I was always average. I couldn't even run 2 miles within the allotted time. Now at my age (39) I can run 3.1 miles within 27 minutes.
I feel like God is preparing me for something bigger. I don't know what it is yet, but I want to be equipped and ready to go when God let's me know. I've been a Christian since I was 16 and I've come a long way. My thinking about life has changed drastically. I'm still a little selfish when it comes to doing things and that's probably why God hasn't placed anyone in my life to focus on, other than my kids.

Now here I am thinking about going on a mission field. I've been doing voluntary work for the last 3 years at a local shelter home, helping to feed the homeless. I work between 4 to 5 hours cooking the meals, preparing and then serving them to at least 200 to 400 people. I didn't think that this little project will lead me to something even bigger. I'm EXCITED!

Isaiah 6:8 tells us, "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."

Monday, April 5, 2010

Child Support Payment Modification

Today was a bitter-sweet victory for me in Chancery court. I went to court today for child support payment modification and of course the judge reduced my payments down by half due to my current financial situation. It was bitter-sweet because even though the courts ruled in my favor the ruling made my ex-wife very angry. To top it off, I got a call from my ex-in laws screaming at me, because I made their daughter feel like she's not trying to find a job. Well, I didn't do all of those things. The judge and the attorneys asked all the questions that made her uncomfortable and made her realize that she's worthless piece. Her mother finally calmed down after I explained to her what had happened in court and that I didn't do all the things she claimed I said.

The judge and the attorney repeatedly asked her why she doesn't have a regular everyday job like everyone else. She uses the excuse that our son has Asperger Syndrome and that he needs special attention. Bottom line, they imputed her with a minimum wage salary. This helps me, because at least I'm not the only one with income. Not only that, but my salary has been cut in half from 2 years ago. So far everything is going well for me.

It's all good for now, until they hire an attorney and file for another petition of modification. Hopefully I still make the same money that I make now six months or even a year from now.

I really have a bad opinion about my ex's husband. One, he doesn't work. He's a full time student. Two, he has custody of both of his children. He had his wife committed to a mental institution for bi-polar condition. Three, I believe he's instrumental in putting things into my ex's head.

It's sad that they both don't work. They have a brand new home, a fairly new Nissan Armada and a tax-free income. They receive food-stamps and because of their income status, my kids can have free lunch in school. Their whole lifestyle is fishy, but I hope God is watching and making sure that things are right. I can't get her nor my ex in-laws to understand their daughter is not as perfect as they think they she is.

Anyway, that's all I'm plugging in for today.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

life is boring

Without the kids, it's pretty much a long dragged out day. I miss them. Of course the only way to get a hold of them is via facebook or text. I love technology. It allows you stay in touch with your loved ones immediately, until the battery dies. Anyway, going out for sushi tonight and just chill. I need to save up for next week when I have the kids.

That's pretty much it for this weekend. Uneventful...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's been a while...

I'm over at a friend's house doing laundry. I hate it sometimes, but it's the only way to survive when money is low. Laundry costs $2.25 per load. So when you have 3 loads a week, that's $6.75. That's over $25 a month. Sometimes I just have to make do. But laundry has to be washed. I don't have the kids this weekend and hanging out at my friend's house helps relieve the loneliness. It's a normal household. Kids are running around the house, my friend and his wife arguing, and it's quite a normal household family. It's good to be around them sometimes. Reminds me of my previous home. Their boys are like nephews to me. So whenever they need someone to watch them, I'm always available.

Anyway, luckily I only have two loads. Doing laundry here takes longer, but my clothes are cleaner. I'm almost done and after I fold and put them up, it's bed time.