Monday, April 5, 2010

Child Support Payment Modification

Today was a bitter-sweet victory for me in Chancery court. I went to court today for child support payment modification and of course the judge reduced my payments down by half due to my current financial situation. It was bitter-sweet because even though the courts ruled in my favor the ruling made my ex-wife very angry. To top it off, I got a call from my ex-in laws screaming at me, because I made their daughter feel like she's not trying to find a job. Well, I didn't do all of those things. The judge and the attorneys asked all the questions that made her uncomfortable and made her realize that she's worthless piece. Her mother finally calmed down after I explained to her what had happened in court and that I didn't do all the things she claimed I said.

The judge and the attorney repeatedly asked her why she doesn't have a regular everyday job like everyone else. She uses the excuse that our son has Asperger Syndrome and that he needs special attention. Bottom line, they imputed her with a minimum wage salary. This helps me, because at least I'm not the only one with income. Not only that, but my salary has been cut in half from 2 years ago. So far everything is going well for me.

It's all good for now, until they hire an attorney and file for another petition of modification. Hopefully I still make the same money that I make now six months or even a year from now.

I really have a bad opinion about my ex's husband. One, he doesn't work. He's a full time student. Two, he has custody of both of his children. He had his wife committed to a mental institution for bi-polar condition. Three, I believe he's instrumental in putting things into my ex's head.

It's sad that they both don't work. They have a brand new home, a fairly new Nissan Armada and a tax-free income. They receive food-stamps and because of their income status, my kids can have free lunch in school. Their whole lifestyle is fishy, but I hope God is watching and making sure that things are right. I can't get her nor my ex in-laws to understand their daughter is not as perfect as they think they she is.

Anyway, that's all I'm plugging in for today.

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