Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mission trip...

I finished my application for a mission trip to go to Guatemala in June. I'm not sure what will happen. I'm a little excited and thinking what it would be like. If it happens, then I believe that God wants me to start doing this. I had an epiphany today while I was eating dinner getting ready to go to my softball game. It came across me this evening that God wanted me to have the family life and be a responsible person. Which I did. It just came to me that all those time that I regretted not having a life after college. I complained and grumbled inside about how I got stuck being a parent and becoming a responsible citizen. Today I realized that God needed for me to do those things so that I would mature. If my life had turned out like some other people, where they partied hard while in college, had a career, but then having to wait to have a family, then I wouldn't be the person that I am now. I needed this responsibility of being a good husband and a father to my children so that I would mature. I look at these people at the ball game, where they look about my age and have elementary school children or even younger and I think to myself, that I skipped all the fun and party and became a responsible adult so that I can become a better person when I get older.
It also dawned on me about all these guys even the ones I went to high school with, how athletic they were when they were younger and excelled in sports, and now, they can't even run a quarter of mile without passing out. I was never an excellent athlete when I was younger. I was always average. I couldn't even run 2 miles within the allotted time. Now at my age (39) I can run 3.1 miles within 27 minutes.
I feel like God is preparing me for something bigger. I don't know what it is yet, but I want to be equipped and ready to go when God let's me know. I've been a Christian since I was 16 and I've come a long way. My thinking about life has changed drastically. I'm still a little selfish when it comes to doing things and that's probably why God hasn't placed anyone in my life to focus on, other than my kids.

Now here I am thinking about going on a mission field. I've been doing voluntary work for the last 3 years at a local shelter home, helping to feed the homeless. I work between 4 to 5 hours cooking the meals, preparing and then serving them to at least 200 to 400 people. I didn't think that this little project will lead me to something even bigger. I'm EXCITED!

Isaiah 6:8 tells us, "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."

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