Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's been a few days since my last blog. I had a great time last night with the kids, but spent too much money at the Oriental store. We all got a few snacks and shared different kinds of mochi. Texture feels like flesh in your mouth - Not that I've actually eaten real flesh, but it does. Anyway, we got home and watch the remaining last episodes of Lost. I didn't know the kids liked watching it. They said that they only watch it while at my place.
Last night's dinner was spaghetti but since I had some calamari left from lunch, my daughter tried it with some rice and she actually liked it. We took pictures of her eating the squid when it was about to enter into her mouth. It looked creepy since the tentacles were pretty clear.

Today I had to spend the early part of the day with my sales manager and it's always fun to bring him along. Didn't sell anything, but I got a free lunch out of it by taking a client out. After work, I thought I'd join a local singles softball league practice, but I got there a little late since I didn't know exactly where the field was located. I finally found the group, but it was getting dark, so practice was over quick. Now as I sit here at borders, this guy actually brought his own chicken dinner at the cafe area and surfing the web while he eats the chicken with his bare hands. I don't think I even saw him go to the restroom and wash his hands. He just took the box out of a grocery plastic bag and started munching. Incredible.

It was an uneventful day and after this blog, I think I'll finish up reading a book.

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