Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

It's Friday and I haven't posted anything all week. I'd probably blog more if I have internet at home. The great thing about having a laptop is that you can go to a free wi-fi establishment and enjoy the amenities that goes along with the unlimited cup of coffee. Buy a tall cup of coffee for $1.78 and you got yourself a warm cup of coffee, free internet, free electricity and meet new people.

Where do I start? Well, last night I took the kids and their maternal grandparents to the VIP premiere of the Broadway musical, Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Coat at The Miracle Theater starring American Idol finalist, Melinda Doolittle. It was an awesome show! Red carpet treatment, hors d'oeuvres, comp tickets and oh, did I mention the show was awesome? The drawback from all this was the drive time and how late it was. I feel bad for the kids, but it was once a lifetime and it was free. I take advantage of every little things like this because one, it doesn't cost me anything; two, it's time spent with the kids; and three it's something to add to their childhood memory with dad.

I miss the kids when I don't have them on weekends. I always find something to occupy my time. I try to do things that are constructive. Like tonight, after eating at my client's burger joint, I headed out to Borders to catch up on my reading. I'm on Chapter 10 of Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. In the last nine chapters I read, I notice that it's about thinking about your self and greed. He mentioned in his book that you need to pay your self first. That greed is good. I'm thinking, this totally goes against my Christian values. Then he ended Chapter 9 about the importance of giving to others. His "Rich Dad" mention that tithing is important and that when you give, it comes back to you tenfolds. Well, I'm paraphrasing. But you get my point.

I understand the importance of giving. I tithe what I get into my bank account. That's after the deductions and the child support. I think God understands my situation and he's helping me out. Not long ago, I went out to lunch with an old friend. She was telling me how it's a struggle in her business, and that she wish that she can tithe again. I was a little surprised. She drives a nice car and owns her own home and she's single. I'm thinking, she's headed for disaster.
I subscribe to the idea that if you don't tithe, you are robbing God. We are obligated to give him the Tithe. He said it in the Bible. I believe that God owes us nothing and that we owe him for giving us the opportunity to live life. Life is what you make of it. It's not what you get in life, but what you give back.

I donate about 4-6 hours of my time once a month helping feed the homeless. I go to the homeless shelter, help out in the kitchen cook, prepare, and serve the homeless in the community. Sometimes I bring the kids with me when it's the weekend I have them. I they enjoy it just as much as I do. It's time spent with them, free food, and it gives you a tingling feeling afterwards that you did something good that day.

Anyway, that's all for tonight.

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